Critical Role Jester Don't Be Such a Baby

"Malice and Mystery Beneath" (2x119) is the 1 hundred nineteenth episode of the 2d campaign of Critical Part. Deep within the mysterious Aeorian ruin, the Mighty Nein must outset face a terrifying anathema earlier they tin can venture further into the foreign and unknown...


  • i Synopsis
    • 1.1 Announcements
    • i.two Previously on Critical Role
    • i.3 Part I
    • 1.4 Break
    • 1.v Part Ii
  • two Featured Characters
    • 2.1 The Mighty Nein
    • 2.2 Mentioned
  • 3 Quotations
  • 4 Inventory
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 References



  • In the spirit of the holidays, Sam sings a Christmas carol in praise of D&D Across:


Vehement night, holy shit.
Matt's gonna kill us. We should quit.
Our fate is tied to the office of the dices
And all our stats on our tablet devices.
User-friendly all nighttime lo-ong
Praise D&D Beyond.

Violent dark, we're going to die.
Matt makes babe sounds, Willingham cries.
Circular the table a group of best friends
It's such a shame that tonight's how it ends.
Nearly of us aren't gonna live.
Ro-oll for i-ni-tia-tive!


Sam's carol (to the melody of 'Silent Night').[1]


  • Also sponsoring tonight is Skillshare, an online learning community with thousands of classes bachelor. Click the to a higher place link for a two month free trial of premium membership.
  • Narrative Telephone returns for a story told by Laura Bailey with special guest Mica Burton on Twitch Tuesday, 15 December 2020 at 4 pm Pacific, YouTube on Thursday.
  • Merch Alert! Maybe? Laura isn't sure what'southward in and what's not, simply check our their stores!

Previously on Critical Role

And so, last we left off, the Mighty Nein, following and at present slightly alee of the tracks of Lucien and the Tombtakers, making their mode from identify to identify beyond Foren in Eiselcross, seeking elements they are gathering earlier eventually heading towards the cardinal Aeorian ruins on this portion of the region.

Yous delve into your second Aeorian ruin, located every bit A2 on the map that y'all were given by the late Lady Vess DeRogna. You made a small friend, i outlier who had already gone into this ruin, just the residuum of his group had non returned in days. Leaving him to fend for himself in the shadow, y'all began to explore aspects of this particular excavation. You plant a terribly ruined street and what looked like an cabalistic dome. Sealed inside, Aeorian citizens, still frozen in those moments of cataclysm. Then, following your spell, locating a directional blip towards a possible threshold crest within these ruins, yous went and somewhen discovered the entrance to some sort of Aeorian laboratory, which was covered in shattered glass and fallen implements and with some spell assistance through Caleb, able to ascertain some of these ancient language $.25 that were previously not understood by any of yous.

Fan art of the abomination, by @thetaterart.[art 1]

You managed to fix one of the doors and hit i of the arcane-based push prompts on a nearby pedestal, causing the door behind you to slam close and a door alee, where y'all were planning to become, to open, where a horrible, baneful cry began to echo through the chamber. Snuffing the light and hiding amongst the room, you all watched equally a terrifying beast began to lumber in, its strange, somewhat muscular but sagging elephant-like body helming the front, a smooth, almost slick cherub-like bulbous human being baby confront on the front end, clouded-over pupil-less optics, a rima oris that carve up open in the heart filled with teeth, every bit numerous man arms, small, reached out for whatsoever was nearby the front of its toothy maw. At the front of its forehead, you saw dangling a tendril of some kind, at the end a bulb of glowing light that swung as it entered. And as information technology began to step into the chamber...

Role I

Fan art of Jester casting Inflict Wounds, by Dian Huynh.[art two]

The battle begins as Jester tries to trounce the baby-like creature by dropping the door on it, but the door has jammed in its track. Yasha and Beau are immediately lured by its dangling light into moving towards it, stunned. Caleb uses the driftglobe to cast Daylight and Jester crits with Inflict Wounds for massive damage plus wild magic butterflies. The animate being then vomits highly damaging acid spray hitting both Beau and Yasha and uses a legendary action to grasp the stunned Boyfriend and pull her in close to its mouth.

Yasha is no longer stunned just in averting her gaze to avoid the lure, she is blinded and misses with her attacks. The baby swallows Beauregard into its acidic stomach where she is no longer stunned but dangerously shut to unconsciousness, and she empties out her pouch of 10 doses of suude,[2] drugging and knocking the creature unconscious for iii rounds. Keeping out of sight of the lure, Fjord attacks twice from backside using Divine Smites for massive impairment, but jolting the animal back to consciousness. Veth runs upward and into the baby's oral fissure, trying and failing to pull Beau out, but Yasha is able to pull them both out and Caduceus immediately hits the almost-unconscious Swain with Heal.

Fan art of Caduceus casting Blight, by BlackSalander.[art 3]

Caleb then releases Disintegrate, only the infant uses a Legendary Resistance to succeed on its save. Information technology grapples Veth. As the rest of the party attacks, the animate being succeeds in grappling Boyfriend once again also. Fjord manages to cut off its glowing lure, simply the creature swallows Veth. From the creature's interior, Veth tries and fails to stab with the Corecut Dagger, and so takes a healing potion. The others continue to whack away until Caduceus decides to finish it off with a Bane, getting the How exercise you want to do this? Fjord pulls Veth out of the dead beast and Jester heals her.


  • D&D Beyond. Play with advantage.
  • Narrative Telephone episode three coming up on Twitch Tuesday, Dec 15 at 4:00 pm Pacific. Storyteller volition exist Laura Bailey, with guest star Mica Burton.
  • Merch Alert! Vox Machina dice sets for Pike, Percy, Keyleth, Matt, Vax, Grog, and Vex, Voice Machina and Mighty Nein chibi pins, and Disquisitional Role pewter logo ornaments available in all 3 Critical Function shops; Cobalt Soul varsity jacket and holiday wrapping paper with matching washi tape available in the U.S. and Commonwealth of australia merely.
  • Taliesin channels the ghost of Rod Serling to ask usa to enter the Twitch Subscription Zone.
  • Critters' art montage.

Office II

The party takes a short balance. Caleb takes the lure from the dead creature and Yasha harvests some bones. Beau cuts into the animate being's stomach and finds the fairly contempo bones of 2 people, who they assume to exist some of Iver Climtaver's five missing political party members.

They proceed downwardly the hallway, seeing occasional blood smears, into a large heavily damaged room with multiple open doorways to the correct and left leading to small chambers like containment cells. They find signs of a recent deadly encounter. Jester'south "Locate Object" confirms that the threshold crest they seek is below and slightly to the right. Caleb notices a long shiny platinum rod amid the debris, and a bit of sky blue cloth xx feet ahead. In that location are too some large, generally broken, frosted dark-green containers very similar to those the political party saw in the Experiment Bedchamber inside the Folding Halls of Halas.[iii] 2 remain solid.

Fan fine art of the aeorian hunters, by Rachel HB.[art iv]

Boyfriend investigates the blue material, which is torn and bloodstained and fastened to the fairly recently crushed body of a half-elven woman. The torso bears the marking of the Cerberus Associates, wears fine leather armor, and carries a sheath the aforementioned size as the rod constitute by Caleb. The party concludes this is the body of Zana Deelio, the addendum of Ludinus Da'leth. Using Detect Magic, Caleb finds the rod and armor are both magical, equally are the two unbroken containers. They are filled with liquid and hold horrifying and faintly twitching creatures, including a vaguely humanoid Aeorian nullifier and a quadrupedal absorber. Caleb finds some writing on a damaged panel translating to "Hunter Development List." Beneath it, entries read: "Absorber 0-072" "Nullifier 0-038" "Subject 0-002".

Caduceus finds a hidden hole and a tunnel leading downward but large plenty to get through one at a time. They hash out how to keep the Tombtakers from sneaking up behind them and reveal that the Intuit Charge found earlier[4] is like a time flop, stunning everything within a 300 human foot circle and releasing massive amounts of psychic damage against anyone in its path. It seems like overkill in this situation.

Caleb identifies the rod as a Rod of Fear, identical in effect to a Wand of Fear. Veth volunteers to explore ahead, and they lower her down the hole on a rope. She reaches the end of a hundred feet of rope in an immense room, about ten feet higher up a awning of tree tops. She Letters this to Yasha, who relays it and the party tells Veth to wait while Caleb sets upwards the "Warning" spell in the room above.

Jester, however, starts down the rope thinking Veth is on the ground, followed by Young man. Veth drops the ten feet to the top of the nearest tree, taking a little bludgeoning damage. She notices that the branches are pale and potent, and the leaves are dry and fragile. Beau drops her celebone to the ground although its light is blocked past the trees' canopy, and Veth climbs downward the eighty anxiety to the unnaturally flat ground followed by Beau. At the meridian, Yasha holds the rope while Caleb climbs down followed past Caduceus, who first casts Guardian of Faith to guard the area above. Caleb Polymorphs into a giant owl and ferries down Fjord, Caduceus, Jester, and Yasha one time she retrieves the rope and disguises the tunnel entrance.

Fan fine art of Caduceus among the corrupted trees, by HeartofPack.[art 5]

The arboretum bedchamber is over a hundred feet tall and almost iii hundred from end to end. Caduceus notices that the coloration of the copse is very like to the corrupted Savalirwood, which greatly disturbs him. He tells the corrupted copse that he is sorry, and he'll assistance if he tin, and Jester uses her Speak with Plants to reiterate. To her surprise, the response is malevolent hunger and desperation.

Jester'southward Locate Object finds the threshold crest to the right of their path and they stealth forwards into a passage marked "Threshold Vault" with Caleb and Fjord in the lead. Caleb sends Frumpkin forward to a iv-way intersection with a blue glow beyond a descending stairway direct ahead. There is a magical evocation bulwark blocking the mode, which Caleb dispels. Yasha casts Light and they descend the stairs to a bedchamber nearly identical to that in A5, with a large glowing blue threshold crest in the ceiling.

Featured Characters

The Mighty Nein

  • Beauregard Lionett
  • Caduceus Clay
  • Caleb Widogast
  • Frumpkin
  • Fjord
  • Jester Lavorre
  • Veth Brenatto
  • Yasha Nydoorin


  • Zana Deelio


  • Veth: (later Beau is swallowed) No Mo'-Regard.[5]
  • Matt: (determining the effect of suude on the babe-faced anathema) It fails, with a natural one, hilariously.
    Marisha: Babies accept a low tolerance to drugs.
    Sam: I learned that the hard way.
    Matt: ♪ The more you know... ♪[6]
  • Jester: Caduceus, accept you ever tried talking to the corrupted plants in the Savalir?
    Caduceus: No. I think I'll try once we're all in the tunnel. I'one thousand worried.
    Jester: Practise you lot desire me to try, too?
    Caduceus: If you could be in that location every bit well, that might be a skilful idea.
    Beau: Why did you never endeavour talking to them?
    Caduceus: I don't know. Things are dissimilar now. [...] (to the trees) If y'all can hear me, I am so distressing, and if nosotros can help, nosotros volition.[7]


Adjustment Count Item Source Destination Notes
Acquired i The baby-fauna'south lure The baby-creature abomination Caleb Caleb hung the severed lure on his chugalug.
Acquired 1 Baby-creature's bones The infant-animate being anathema Yasha Yasha wanted the spine, merely settled for random bones.
Acquired ane Leather armor Zana Deelio'south trunk Veth Unidentified as yet, just magical.
Acquired 1 Rod of Fear The experiment chamber in A2 Jester Identical to a Wand of Fear.


  • The mini for the baby-headed abomination was a creature called a gorm from the game Kingdom Death: Monster. However, the actual fauna stats used by Matt in-game were totally homebrewed.[8] The creature could possibly accept been "Subject 0-002" on a list of Aeorian hunters found in the room.


  1. See "Malice and Mystery Below" (2x119) at 0:00:33.
  2. See "Domestic Respite" (2x62) at iii:16:51.  Young man institute the suude in the dorsum room of the Overcrow Apothecary. She identified it at 3:23:02.
  3. Come across "From Door to Door" (2x81) at four:06:45.
  4. See "Solace Betwixt the Secrets" (2x118) at three:45:22.  Veth plant the box, which Caleb identified at 3:54:18.
  5. Run into "Malice and Mystery Below" (2x119) at 0:34:25.
  6. Meet "Malice and Mystery Beneath" (2x119) at 0:40:19.
  7. See "Malice and Mystery Below" (2x119) from three:xiv:16 through 3:15:07.
  8. See Matt's tweet.


  1. Fan art of the anathema, past @thetaterart (source). Used with permission.
  2. Fan fine art of Jester casting Inflict Wounds, by Dian Huynh (source). Used with permission.
  3. Fan art of Caduceus casting Blight, by BlackSalander (source). Used with permission.
  4. Fan art of the aeorian hunters, by Rachel HB (source). Used with permission.
  5. Fan art of Caduceus amongst the corrupted copse, by HeartofPack (source). Used with permission.


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