Lovable loser Jerry Smith has had his fair share of shining moments throughout Rick And Morty. Beth's hapless husband struggles to assert his status as the family patriarch with Rick around, often competing with him for the respect of his children. Nevertheless, Jerry's often oblivious optimism is a refreshing perspective that contrasts against Rick's nihilistic nature, providing multiple show-stealing moments for his character.

Jerry embarks on several haphazard adventures across the galaxy throughout the series, sometimes with his family and other times on his own. From talking cats to intergalactic marriage counseling, here are Jerry's 10 best moments from Rick And Morty so far.

10 Pluto Is A Planet

Jerry on Pluto - Rick and Morty

Jerry and Morty go on an adventure to Pluto in season 1's "Something Ricked This Way Comes." While helping Morty with a science project, Jerry refuses to accept the new acknowledgment that Pluto isn't a planet, prompting an abrupt abduction from the Plutonians.

Jerry is treated as a hero by the aliens for his unwavering belief that Pluto is a planet. Eventually, the hapless patriarch is forced to admit defeat when he comes face to face with the evil corporate agenda of the Plutonians.

9 Jerry Joins The Simulation

Jerry has the best day of his life in season 1's "M. Night Shaym-Aliens!" after being unknowingly trapped in a simulation with Rick and Morty. Despite the obviousness of his situation, Jerry remains ignorant of the frequent glitching around him and thrives inside the simulated universe.

An oblivious Jerry attempts to pitch a new apple-related slogan at work while trapped in the simulated reality. He soon discovers that the best day of his life was fake when the simulation crashes around him.

8 Pretending To Be Tammy

Tammy holds Beth at gunpoint

New Galactic Federation agent Tammy returns in the season 4 finale to wreak vengeance against Rick and the Smith family, but is killed by Rick in retribution for Birdperson's death. The fight doesn't end there, however, as Rick is forced to "do a Star Wars" and battle his reanimated best friend.

Jerry saves the day and distracts Phoenixperson from his graphic fight with Rick by using Tammy's body as a puppet to appease Phoenixperson, giving Space Beth enough time to shut down their opponent.

7 The Whirly Dirly

Jerry And Rick On Whirly Dirly

Jerry and Rick embark on an impromptu adventure in season 3's "The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy." Rick takes a dejected Jerry to an intergalactic resort protected by an immortality shield. The two connect over drinks until Jerry agrees to help an alien kill his father-in-law.

Jerry convinces Rick to take a ride on the Whirly Dirly, which nearly ends in disaster when they are attacked. Rick almost allows Jerry to be eaten alive by a space slug before they settle their differences.

6 Jerry And Beth Go To Marriage Counselling

Beth Jerry Rick and Morty

Beth and Jerry seek help for their dysfunctional marriage in season 2's "Big Trouble In Little Sanchez." Rick takes them to off-planet marriage counseling to repair their relationship, but their trip goes awry when monstrous versions of them break free and terrorize the facility.

The couple's grotesque counterparts reflect their innate perceptions of each other. Unsurprisingly, Beth's perception of Jerry reflects the weak-willed worm she believes her husband to be.

5 Jerry's Daycare

Jerry tries to tag along on a Rick and Morty adventure in season 2's "Mortynight Run," but the duo leaves Jerry at an intergalactic daycare designed for all of his incarnations from alternate realities.

There, he is patronized and attempts to leave, only to be scared away by alien inhabitants. Jerry returns to the daycare with new acceptance, happy to flee from danger to a place tailored for his every need.

4 The Talking Cat

Jerry Talking Cat - Rick and Morty

Jerry embarks on a strange solo adventure in season 4's "Claw And Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty" after meeting a talking cat. Refusing to admit why he can speak, the cat convinces Jerry to accompany him on a trip to Florida in an attempt to develop his social skills.

The mysterious nature of the talking cat bewilders Jerry throughout the episode. Jerry and Rick eventually discover the cat's true origins, but the truth is enough to horrify them both, so Rick promptly removes Jerry's memories it.

3 Jerry Improves His Golf Skills

Jerry Smith With Mr. Meeseeks

Fans of Rick And Morty were introduced to Mr. Meeseeks in season 1's "Meeseeks And Destroy." The Smith family summons a Meeseeks to help them with their goals: Summer wants to become popular at school, Beth wants to be a more complete woman, and Jerry wants to improve his golf skills.

Summer and Beth complete their goals, but Jerry struggles to improve his golfing, even with the assistance of multiple Meeseeks. Eventually, Beth forces him to step up when the suicidal Meeseeks threaten to kill Jerry so they can fulfill their task and cease to exist.

2 Developing The App

In season 4's "The Old Man and the Seat," Jerry and the Smiths are given one clear instruction: do not develop Glootie's app, a rule tattooed on the alien's forehead. Naturally, Jerry defies this rule and almost damns the planet when the Monogatron try to steal Earth's water supply.

Ultimately, Morty accompanies Jerry aboard the Monogatrons' spaceship in a reluctant adventure to fix his father's mistake.

1 Saving Shrimply Pibbles

Jerry faces a dilemma in season 2's "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate." After being treated at an intergalactic hospital, he is told that he can save the life of beloved alien leader Shrimply Pibbles — by giving his manhood for a heart transplant.

Unwilling to appear a bad person, Jerry agrees to the transplant before trying to sabotage the operation. An alternative transplant is found for Shrimply Pibbles, but Jerry refuses to let go of the issue and is almost killed. Thankfully, he survives the ordeal to deliver many more great moments throughout the series.

NEXT: Rick And Morty: 10 Best Sci-Fi Alien Races, Ranked